World Rural Tourism Conference(WRTC)
Asian Ecotourism Network (Thailand)

Asian Ecotourism Network

Asian Ecotourism Network (AEN) is a regional initiative of the Global Ecotourism Network (GEN), with twenty-one (21) members in the Asia Pacific region working towards connecting stakeholders (private, public, non-profits, academia etc.) for knowledge transfer, consulting, marketing, and business development to achieve sustainability for people and planet.


Asian Ecotourism Network (AEN) Products, Services and upcoming Event

Ecotourism Standards



GSTC Training

The GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training Program (STTP) offers practical insights and effective steps to help you improve your sustainability practices.


Ecotourism Training 

Ecotourism Storytelling

Engaging Customers

Student Volunteer Program

Making students Gain & learn first-hand information from ecotourism industry players (World-wide) via stakeholder exposure

Ecotourism Travel Mart

First ecotourism travel mart and selling fair in the world

Platform for learning best practices on ecotourism  

Human Community of a Shared Future in the perspective of rural tourism
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