World Rural Tourism Conference(WRTC)
2022 World Rural Tourism (Zhejiang Rural Tourism Academy) Annual Academic Conference and Plenary Session of the 2022 World Rural Tourism Joint Conference held in World Town
2023-01-17 来源:2023-01-17

On January 12, the 2022 World Rural Tourism (Zhejiang Rural Tourism Institute) Annual Academic Conference and the Plenary Session of the 2022 World Rural Tourism Joint Conference (WRTAC) was held in the Rural Tourism Academy of the World Rural Tourism Town International Conference Center, the permanent venue of the World Rural Tourism Conference in Wuxing District, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China. WRTAC Chairman-in-Residence and Secretary-General Gan Yongfu presided over the meeting.

He Guangwei, Chairman of the World Rural Tourism Joint Conference, Zhang Junsai, Executive Chairman, Francisco Fragali, Scott Sbornou, Mario Hardy, Doris Maria Wolfer, Vice Secretaries General He Li and Lv Yongmei, Secretaries General of the regions, Vice Presidents and Vice Secretaries General of the provincial and urban branches in China, all members of the Joint Conference and the World Rural Tourism (Zhejiang Rural Tourism Research Institute) Academic Committee. All members of the Academic Committee of World Rural Tourism (Zhejiang Rural Tourism Research Institute) attended the meeting online. Shen Xiaohong, Deputy Secretary General and Office Director of World Rural Tourism Joint Conference, Zeng Wanquan, Deputy Secretary General, He Jiexiong, Director of the Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism Sports, Changxing County, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China; Wu Renbin, Chairman of the People's Congress of Miaoxi Town, Wuxing District, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China; Yu Xiaoping, Deputy Secretary of the Party Branch of Yu Village, Anji County, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China; Liu Yong, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Deep Wisdom Valley, Suzhou, China; and Shen Guoqi, Deputy Director and Chief Statistician of the Rural Tourism Sub-center of the National Data Center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Xiong Youping, Vice President of Zhejiang Rural Tourism Research Institute, Lan Qingxia, owner of Azhong's Home B&B in Anji, China, and Ni Cheng, owner of Chai Fang Coffee in China, attended the meeting in the main venue.

With the theme of "High quality development of rural tourism to help global common prosperity", the forum promoted the world rural tourism cooperation, shared the world rural tourism resources and discussed the world rural tourism development. The meeting mainly consisted of three stages: appointment letter, academic exchange and working meeting. The Chairman-in-Residence and Secretary General of the World Rural Tourism Joint Conference, Mr. Gan Yongfu, read out the "World Rural Tourism Academic Committee List" and issued the appointment letters to the representatives of the members. Professor Wang Degang, Vice President of China Tourism Association and President of Shandong University Tourism Industry Research Institute, gave a keynote speech titled "Important Path for Rural Tourism to Promote Common Wealth of Farmers and Comprehensive Revitalization of the Countryside", while Joselito Costas, Founder of Grassroots Tourism, Michael Toanoglu, Founding Member of EPOT Tourism Think Tank, Moz Kassim, Vice President of World Hotel and Tourism Education and Training Association and China He Jiexiong, Director of the Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film and Tourism of Changxing County, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, and other guests discussed and exchanged views on the topic of "High Quality Development of Rural Tourism for Global Common Wealth". Mr. He Li, Deputy Secretary General of the World Rural Tourism Joint Conference (WRTJC), briefed the WRTJC on the completion of the work in 2022 and the work in 2023.

Lastly, Mr. He Guangwei, Chairman of the World Rural Tourism Joint Conference, pointed out in his speech that the new year should be a new year, with practical work to support the dreams and goals, and create a bright future for the world rural tourism.

Video highlights:

《General Assembly Briefing (Special Plenary Session - General Issue No. 6)》
Human Community of a Shared Future in the perspective of rural tourism
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