Whether you are an individual Traveler looking for a life changing adventure experience, or a group of employees looking to conduct a leadership workshop beyond the four walls of your office,or a group of students from a school/college searching for an impactful learning trip, we have got it all covered.
Tourist Expeditions
Join a group of amazing people from all over the world on a fast paced adventure as we push the limits to reach the remotest communities on the planet to create a life long impact.
Corporate Expeditions
Built specifically for corporate leadership groups who want to focus on leadership and team building, and what better than to learn it in the remote communities while powering them with solar.
Leadership and Adventure
Practise Leadership with the remotest communities .
Student Expeditions
If you are a group of students from a school/college looking to spend your vacation break visiting the most beautiful locations of the world and working on Solar Energy, this is the place for you.
GHE Student Expeditions are a way for the students to translate theory into reality and from being a thinker into a doer. Students get to experience the lifestyle of the remotest communities on the earth and learn how the technology solutions can really enable these communities to thrive and sustain while leading the most sustainable lifestyles. The opportunity to interact with the locals and work with them hand in hand is a very powerful experience at a young age.
As part of the expeditions, we have taken students from both schools as well as universities to the remote areas of Himalayas and created a life long impact in these communities, while empowering the students to do the unthinkable.
We collaborate with the schools and universities to customize the learning experience for the students. The expeditions weave around the core themes of ‘service to the people’, sustainability, climate change and resilience while allowing the students to explore themselves as an individual disconnected from the world of social media. We also encourage cross collaboration projects allowing the students to work on a local problem by building a practical solution as part of their trip besides the electrification work.
Students travel to the remote communities and are welcomed by a culture and tradition that is centuries old. They then survey the villages and understand the energy needs to design the setup of the grid. Once the design is completed, they work hand-in-hand with the local community to setup the Solar Panels and the Batteries and install the bulb holders. The entire process of arriving in a village to setting up the grid and ending ages of darkness will take just 2 days, showcasing the power of technology and human will.
The young generation is the first generation who will see the impact of climate change and the last generation that can do something about it. The key aim here is to enable the schools and universities in developing future leaders who are equipped with the skills and experiences along with the potential to make an impact and make a difference for the future generations.